
Monday, February 11, 2013

Learning the Word

Lately, I have been searching for ways to grow closer to the Lord through His Word. I was ready my devotions late one night and the author suggested carrying around a notecard with a verse on it all day.

I use the verse from the day I'm on in my devos the entire next day. I keep mine in my case with my meter in it, which is opened 4-5 times per day and is a great reminder for me to look at the verse.

I date my notecards and then store them in a notecard box for safe keeping. Once I have a years worth of verses, I'll be able to reuse the cards and really learn those verses!

It's been working great! On the first day, I found myself quoting my verse from memory all day! I'm so excited to have finally found a memorization technique that works for me!

I also started keeping a "Thanksgiving" journal back in September. I write down almost every day what I am thankful for. This has really caused me to become thankful for even the smallest things in life. Even after having a crappy day, I can ALWAYS find at least one thing to be thankful for!

I hope that these methods help you as much as they have helped me!!

"I have hidden your word in my heart that i might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11


1 comment:

  1. Great ideas Bridget! Hiding his word in our hearts should be top priority! God ask us to be Thankful in all circumstances and rejoice always. Counting our blessings is one way to tangibly see just how blessed we are!
    Miss you,
