
Sunday, September 30, 2012

New Life

This Friday we had a day off of school (or as I like to call it : parole). I had the opportunity to capture some shots of a lovely pregnant lady:). My friend Kylie is due in December! Can't wait to meet baby Eli!


Thank you Kylie for the opportunity!

Now back to procrastinating on my six papers due tomorow :/....

peace out, girl scouts.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Want/Need Fall

I'm that girl (you know) that needs immediate gratification when it comes to season changing. All of these 32 degree mornings and 70 degree afternoons aren't really working for me. One reason I need fall is the beauty that God brings to death. Leaves die, fall off of their respective trees and create a wonderland of warm splendor for us to breathe in. I love fall. The end.

Disclaimer: these photos were taken in the fall of 2009. no Ohio is not magical in producing early fall beauty, although I'm open to it:).

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Holy Short: A World Without Modesty

Homecoming is just around the corner in my little town. As of today at 12:00, I was without a dress.

After church, Mim and I decided that we had enough time to search for a dress. Little did we know that all of the dresses available were hemmed at a foot above the knee! Wowza!

Going to homecoming while trying to be modest proved to be a huge challenge today. I wasn't going to settle for anything less than knee length, knowing what kind of thoughts a short dress provokes in a man. Why would we want our counterparts to suffer?

Ladies, let's leave a LOT to the imagination of men around us. Save it for your hubby one day:

I love this quote! It speaks so much truth into my heart about what I want to be for my husband one day: pure and holy.

Modesty starts in the heart NOT the mind. I pray to God to give me a desire to be modest. He will be the only one who can start from your heart out, and that makes all the difference.

Peace out, girl scouts!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

influenced: the good kind

As a senior, we are required to take a  compostition class. Our second assignment for the year was to write our collge essays for applications. Neither of the colleges that I'm applying to require an essay, therefore I had to choose a Common Application promt...Here it is, format and all, honoring Miss Jennie Warner over at Homestead Living...

(kind of an old picture, cerca 2010)

The Most Influential People

Bridget Berger

                Dirty diapers, screaming kids, baby food, and no sleep is just what I imagine when I envision my future. Not everyone can understand this life-style. These people are the few who are adorned with a special job title: Mother.

                I’ve always entertained the thought of being a stay-at-home-mom, but it wasn’t until I met Jennie that I really embraced this dream. A mother of six beautiful children, Jennie lives, breathes, and loves motherhood. While she was pregnant with her sixth child, Madeline, I was roped into a shopping trip to Old Navy. I had never spent much time with Jennie prior to spending the afternoon with her and her five kids. This excursion was an eye opener for my future life. I hadn’t wanted a huge family before meeting Jennie and her husband Jeff; my desires have changed for the larger. The trip went on, maternity jeans were purchased, and a life-long friendship was formed.

                Jennie has inspired me to not only be stronger Christian but to have a passion to prepare for marriage and motherhood. Her influences in my life have made me a better human being and servant for the Lord. She has opened my eyes to the world of Homeschooling, garage-saling, and much more. For that, I am forever grateful. Jennie has become one of the most influential people in my life and in turn, has become my best friend; not many people get to have this adventure in life. I’m so glad I got to spend it with her. Because of Jennie, I have become a valuable, stronger, more passionate person.
*** I don't even like to think of where my heart would be without you Jenn! ***