
Sunday, November 27, 2011

my favorite season:)


I practically ran in the door from church today to turn on our tree:) It just makes me all sorts of happy inside.

For years we did a Disney Christmas tree. We had at least a hundred ornaments that were all Disney characters. It was childhood bliss, a box of chocolates if I may. You'd forget which ornaments you had and then you'd go through and find one you forgot you had! They all had certain unsaid spots on the tree that they were placed on every year.

Last year we got a new tree and decided it was time to put up the Disney ornaments:/. We now have a red and gold themed tree:) My favorite Christmas colors:).

Mom says that when we get married and such we are going to divide up the Disney ornaments....I can't wait!

But, Christmas trees don't make up the Christmas season. It's the fact that our God sent down to us a precious baby boy. Just to be hung on a cross for our sorry-selves. So, though it is easy to get caught up in the decorations, parties, and presents, we can't forget the real reason for the season. Our beautiful, merciful, loving, caring, comforting, hearing, ever-present Savior.

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